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Putting Ideas Into Action

A Kisa Scholar’s two-year journey in the program all leads up to this.  The 2 Day Challenge (2DC) is a giant community service project designed to integrate many of the important skills that she has learned from the Kisa Project:


  • project planning, organizing, and leading
  • problem solving
  • budgeting and fundraising
  • public speaking, including persuading community members (village and town elders) that a group of girls is up for the job


Many of the projects are extensions of the Year One Presentations, where Scholars identified problems in their communities and proposed potential solutions in front of a panel of judges.  Also, many projects are carried out right at the girls’ schools. They are leaving their environment a better place than they found it.  Learn about the wide variety of 2DC service projects in these blogs.


Irkisongo Secondary – Built Staircase

Scholars built a staircase where there was once a treacherous, muddy slope that students and staff had to navigate in order to get to class.  Other projects described in this story include a new message board, water tank, and chairs for the classroom.  How they did it.




Arusha Secondary – New Floor in Classroom

At another school, the girls poured an entirely new floor in a classroom.  Scholars also taught women in the marketplace how to make fuel briquettes out of recycled paper.  How they did it.






Mwika Secondary – Renovated School Bathrooms

A Kisa Mentor proudly shares the story of her Year Two class, who renovated the school’s bathrooms.  The Head of School even held a ribbon cutting ceremony!  How they did it.






Moringe Secondary – Health Related Projects

Scholars often visit primary and lower secondary schools, and orphanages, to share important knowledge about health and hygiene.  They have helped plant school gardens to improve nutrition.  How they did it.





Arusha Secondary – Promoting Self-Reliance

One key topic of the Kisa Curriculum is entrepreneurship, in order to build self-sufficiency in youth.  Scholars spoke to their peers about risky and more positive behaviors, and taught them to make snacks they could sell for income.  How they did it.





AfricAid mentors secondary school girls in Tanzania to complete their education, develop into confident leaders, and transform their own lives and their communities.  We equip girls to overcome challenges and reach their full potential because educated girls create lasting positive change.  The outcome is proactive, resilient, and socially-responsible girls who secure better jobs, raise healthier families and increase the standing of women in society.