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Nelson Mandela Day

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mandela-day-logoJuly 18, 2015
8 am – 12 pm
Curtis Park, Denver Colorado

Every year, on Mandela Day, people around the world are asked to spare 67 minutes to serve others. AfricAid is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Colorado educating girls in Tanzania to become leaders and change agents in their communities. Nelson Mandela once said, 


“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” 



In honor of Nelson Mandela, AfricAid is not only mentoring girls in Tanzania, but also girls in our own back yard – Denver. Leading up to Nelson Mandela Day, Africaid will teach high school girls in Denver about Nelson Mandela, leadership principles, and how to be a leader in their community.


Join these inspirational young women and the AfricAid community on Nelson Mandela Day to beautify the oldest park in Denver, Curtis Park. We will help the community paint benches, clean up trash, and weed gardens for our 67 minutes of service.


We will end the day with a brief presentation from the group of young women who have been learning the same leadership principles that AfricAid’s Kisa Scholars learn. Photos and a video of Kisa Scholars participating in community service in Tanzania will be shown, truly making this day a global day of service to honor Nelson Mandela.

Download AfricAid’s Nelson Mandela Booklet here to learn more about his incredible legacy.

Be inspired!

Make a difference!

Join AfricAid in honoring Nelson Mandela!


8-9 AM – Registration and Light Breakfast

9:00-10:07 AM- 67 Minutes of Service

10:07 AM-12 PM- Discussion/Videos


Curtis Park

32nd and Arapahoe

Denver, Colorado

RSVP for the event here.

$25/person or $67/family 
