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International Day of the Girl

Happy International Day of the Girl! Today is a day to recognize girls’ rights and the challenges they face across the world, but more importantly, to focus on solution-driven work addressing these challenges and to promote girls’ empowerment.


This year’s theme is “Digital generation. Our generation,” calling attention to the steadily increasing internet user gender gap, which leapt from 11% in 2017 to 17% in 2019. Globally, over 2 million adolescents and young adults do not have access to the internet, with the majority of the affected population being girls. This lack leads to higher school dropout rates, as girls may not have access to crucial study and research resources, destigmatized information about their health, or understanding of future opportunities. 


One of the most important actions you can take for girls today is to educate yourself on the issues facing women and girls around the globe. Test your knowledge with our Girls’ Education Quiz, complete with resources for you to learn more!


Another step you can take today is sharing girls’ stories, to show the world that girls are empowered, that girls are capable, and that girls can ignite change. Looking for stories to share? Check out some of the incredible Scholars we help support below!


Gladys’s Story: Stepping Up During the Pandemic

Stella’s Story: Educating Others on Menstrual Hygiene

Lupa’s Story: Fighting Youth Unemployment

Namayai’s Story: Using Leadership Skills to Advocate for Change

Scolastica’s Story: The Student Becomes the Teacher

Zabela’s Story: Becoming a Successful Business Owner

How Education Creates Environmentalists

The Problem Solvers




Sources: United Nations, UNICEF