She is lucky because she had the opportunity to get an education. School opened her mind and made her who she is today.
Meet Asimwe Suedi, one of AfricAid’s Binti Shupavu Project Managers. Now 28 years of age, Asimwe grew up in a single parent family in Kibondo, Kigoma Region in Tanzania. When and where she grew up, there were not many girls’ education initiatives to inspire girls.
Asimwe has shifted from her role as a Kisa Mentor to a leadership position in the Binti Shupavu Project. Asimwe is very grateful for her new position as Binti Shupavu Project Manager and says “it is a very good chance for me to develop more in my career as I have never been in this position before. I take it as a good opportunity to learn and improve in my work.” She had a lot of joy and happiness in her face when she said this!
Being a Binti Shupavu Project Manager gives Asimwe a feeling that she is doing something great for the community. Why? Because it’s all about women’s empowerment, giving back to the community and creating a better generation for today and tomorrow.
She is very grateful for her team because they are cooperative and collaborative and they have passion for their work. This makes her work easy. The relationship they have with each other goes further to a personal level and they are more of a family. She is not worried, even when she is not around; she knows that things will still get done.
Asimwe works on her shortcomings in a very good way, by turning them into strengths. “I take my weaknesses as an opportunity for improvement, and I like to evaluate myself by seeking feedback from people who are close to me. This helps me to improve in work and in life in general.”
Asimwe says that she has strong principles that she stands by such as self-respect, respecting others’ perspectives and opinions, and taking into account everyone’s point of view. She believes that we are all different and “because everyone is raised differently, we have all had different life experiences. I like to live with all people in a very respectful manner because we can’t all be the same.”
She also believes that being pro-active is a great asset that anyone can choose to develop. “Everyone can be what she wants to be, by knowing where they came from, where they are and where they want to be. This will help them to take action towards achieving their goals.” Asimwe wishes to give back by taking action and bringing girls initiatives into her home community.